Covid-19 Safety Protocols
Safety Protocols at Family Dentistry & Implants In Steveston Richmond
We are proud that our safety and infection control protocols have always exceeded the guidelines of both the CDA and CDC. Our office atmosphere provides one of safety to all who enter.
In light of the current Covid-19 Pandemic, we have added to our usual stringent practices. This page outlines the protocols that reflect the changes and upgrades to keep everyone safe. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of any respiratory illness, you are urged to stay at home.

1. General Safety Protocols
- Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of most infections. Proper handwashing is the key. Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water, then dry. An alternative method is by the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution. Hands are washed upon arrival to the office, before and after each patient encounter.
- Proper usage of PPE (personal protective equipment) such as masks, gloves, jackets/gowns, and face shields when needed to protect us and you.
- Every person entering the office will be screened daily including but not limited to completing the screening questionnaire and having your temperature taken. If you are found to have a body temperature of 37.8°C or higher or refuse to have your temperature taken, you will be sent home.
- If you are found to have any of the risk factors, a follow-up series of questions will be asked and you will be required to complete/answer.
- If it is found that a patient’s screening is at all questionable, you will be sent home and be rescheduled for your appointment.
- Every team member will be screened daily. If a team member is found to have a body temperature of 37.8°C or higher or refuse to have their temperature taken, they will be sent home.
2. Pre-screening Via Phone, Text, or Email
- Before your appointment, we will call, text, and/or email you to confirm your appointment and review the Covid-19 screening questionnaire. Your answers will help us determine your risk of being infectious. If we find that your answers confirm that either you or a member of your household could be infected, we will assist you in rescheduling your appointment.
- If you are required to complete new medical history forms, they must be submitted electronically to our office before your arrival so it may be reviewed. If you need assistance with accessing or completing the forms, please let us know in advance.
- If you are a high-risk patient which includes, but is not limited to, over age 65, immunocompromised, obese, presence of cardiovascular disease (controlled or not controlled), we will make every effort to schedule you at the first appointment time to maximize the social distancing factor.
3. Patient Protocols in Reception and Front Office
- Please call the office before leaving your vehicle to be sure
that proper social distancing procedures may be respected. - Patients will be required to present to the office unaccompanied and enter the treatment room alone except where appropriate.
- You will be provided with hand sanitizer and a mask at the door upon entry to the office.
- We will take your temperature, review answers from the questionnaire, and will escort you to the treatment room to limit your time in the common areas.
- You will be expected to be aware of social distancing procedures and follow them as you would when in public places.
- We will make every effort to stay on time with your appointment. However, please be aware that unexpected delays do occur in the dental office setting. We kindly ask that you remain patiently in your vehicle until the office environment is again safe in terms of traffic.
- When you arrive at our office, you will notice some slight changes in the reception area. We have eliminated magazines and brochures and reduced the number of chairs to ensure adequate space for social distancing.
- Please be responsible for the health and safety of others and advise us of any changes in your symptoms from the time you first took the questionnaire through the time you present to the office.
- Plexiglass barriers have been implemented at the front desk to allow social distancing between the front desk staff and patients.
- You will notice that common areas will be wiped repeatedly before and following each patient encounter.
- You will be provided with a consent form to be signed prior to your procedure.
4. Patient Protocols in Treatment Rooms
- Patients will be escorted to treatment rooms once all disinfecting and cleaning protocols have been completed. Please note that you may be asked to wait while the next area is prepped.
- You will be asked to wash your hands once in the treatment room. You may also be asked to use a pre-treatment rinse as appropriate.
- Devices will be used when possible during treatment to reduce the amount of aerosol produced. Your tooth/teeth may also be disinfected prior to being prepped with a handpiece to reduce the amount of contaminated aerosol produced.
- Both high volume and low volume suction shall be used whenever possible to assist in the reduction of aerosols.
- Disposable materials are discarded immediately. Non-disposable equipment is disinfected then sterilized appropriately immediately following use or contamination.
- Patients should wash hands prior to leaving the treatment room and use hand sanitizer upon departing from the office.
5. Additional Information
- Our goal is to provide all our patients with the highest quality of care using the latest technology with the most attentive and accommodating customer service while exceeding all safety and health protocols available to date.
- As information changes daily, we are committed to keeping up with all changes and making any appropriate modifications to our protocols.

Your Family Dentistry & Implants In Steveston Richmond Team loves our patients. All of our safety and yours is of the utmost importance. Although we feel that our office is one of the safest environments, we are confident that our upgrades in equipment, protocols, and procedures show our commitment to mitigating the risk of transmitting diseases to our patients, team, and families. Our hope is that you also do YOUR part!
We will continue to work with our referring offices to ensure your dental care is seamless, efficient, and as comprehensive as possible and appropriate. All attempts will be made to minimize non-essential visits by completing procedures the same day when possible.
To ensure your visit runs on time and smooth, please complete all relevant data requests prior to arriving through our electronic forms.
We will continue to do everything possible and reasonable to ensure the most comfortable environment while upholding the strictest of safety precautions.